The client archetypes described below are an amalgam of more than 65 clients and more than 500 hours of coaching individuals. Does your own experience align with one or more of these journeys?
Driven But Depleted Leader
Driven and determined leaders keep going...and going. They hold everything together at home and work.
The Driven but Depleted Leader knows that things can't continue this way - something has to give. The signs that it is time to take action may include:
Over-active people-pleaser response to keep the peace
Task-completion on hyper-drive to clear the to-do list and reclaim autonomy
Frustration with others due to communication challenges
Poor time management leading to little work/life balance
Authentic generosity and compassion leads to depletion
Feeling trapped and unseen at home and work
Stress leading to withdrawal and poor sleep
Chaos at home due to feeling constantly in a rush
Impatience with spouse and children
Personal life and details undone
Confrontation is difficult leading to internalizing frustration and self-criticism
COR.E Energy Leadership Development System (6-12 months)
Executives and C Suite leaders often have access to mentoring and leadership development programs, but academic scientists rarely receive the support they need to learn the dynamic communication skills necessary to influence and persuade. These skills are critical to creating collaborative, multi-disciplinary, international teams that are willing to stick with a project despite the myriad uncertainties related to funding and publication.
Newly promoted executives and founders also benefit from a structured 6-12-month program as they shift into a new range of responsibilities and interactions. Common outcomes clients have experienced include:
Living with more consciousness moment to moment
A better sense of my own existence and needs
Letting go more - I don't need to fix everything
Structure and self-discipline to take care of myself
Space for my personal life and hobbies
Meaningful moments with kids and family
More energy!
Increased productivity
Better communication at work
Ability to connect with my colleagues and influence important relationships
Peace and happiness in the midst of everyday challenges
Fitness and wellbeing prioritized
"You took me to another world."
"The most profound change I've noticed is a deeper understanding of my own existence. By recognizing the 7 levels of energy and learning to cultivate anabolic energy while minimizing catabolic energy, I've transformed how I perceive situations and respond to others. Ultimately, realizing that, at the end of our life journey, nothing truly matters shifts everything into a profoundly new perspective."