The client archetypes described below are an amalgam of more than 65 clients and more than 500 hours of coaching individuals. Does your own experience align with one or more of these journeys?
The Artist, The Actor, and The Athlete
Performers - artists, actors, athletes, musicians - often struggle with a touch of anxiety and perfectionism. We can get in our heads quite easily!

Giftedness shows up in athletes and artists in a wide variety of ways. Well-meaning coaches and parents can unintentionally create a devastating performance-mindset that is difficult to shed. On top of that, their finely-tuned nervous system - the one that allows them to perform at the highest levels because they can perceive and respond instantly to a wide range of stimuli - can sometimes go haywire and cause them to choke or shut down unexpectedly. Other challenges that often come up include:
Dysregulated sleeping and eating
Difficulty focusing
Loneliness and lack of belonging
Rejection sensitivity
Criticism for being an "over-achiever"
Substance use issues to deal with the above
Relationship challenges due to intense emotions
Reluctance to seek out new challenges or oppotunities due to fear of failure
COR.E Energy Performance Dynamics (6-12 months)
This 6-12 month program begins with the Foundations segments to introduce our energetic profile - how we respond to stress - and what situations throw us into a tailspin. We begin identifying the subconscious core beliefs that are associated with self-sabotage.
The alternative to the performance mindset is a mastery mindset - practicing this skill allows the artist or athlete to fully immerse in the craft without an attachment to the outcome, finding joy in the process, whatever that might be. An entirely new relationship with goal-setting and success is introduced early in the program.
Next, we identify the 6 stress Influencers that make or break us, and create a personal Success Formula that helps optimize performance. Finally, the 10 Disciplines of self leadership are applied one at at time and practiced in real-world scenarios until they are reflexive.
Typical outcomes include the following:
Appreciation for the process of mastery
Joy in the process no matter what the outcome is
Ability to pivot instantly in a game situation or on the stage to create peak performance
Sense of being one with the moment, peace and calm
Ability to be decisive and fully commit to an opportunity
Improved sleep and health while traveling and competing
Sense of purpose
Strength gains
Healing and recovery from injury
"Thank you for walking with me through the ups and downs of this process as I get to know myself."