Building Community Through
Monthly round table conversations offer an opportunity to build awareness about research related to intense, creative individuals who do not thrive in a typical school setting. These round tables build collaborations and connections between professionals and parents, increase parent and educator confidence and competence in serving our creators, combiners and disruptors, and identify gaps in policy at the local, state and national levels.
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1 hr
Gifted Underachiever Series
In November and December we spoke with Brian Lack, PhD, Grayson Maas, PhD, Michael S Matthews, PhD and Brianne Hudak, MEd about gifted underachievement data, research on what motivates these unique individuals, and how to create an environment that allows them to thrive and become lifelong learners.
Visit our YouTube channel for the Intense, Intelligent child playlist to view past conversations.
If you are looking for a speaker or would like to be considered as a guest, please reach out via the Professional Collaboration booking link.
- Available Online
Discuss speaking, research or service delivery collaborations.
30 min